Tips for playing Breath of Fire - SNES Nintendo Switch Online
Here are some tips for first-timers getting into Breath of Fire via the Super NES - Nintendo Switch Online app!
Note: The original Twitter thread can be found here.
1) Inspect every drawer in a house, even at the start. Items abound!
2) From the get-go, stock up on Herbs/Mrbl3. Equipment can be found for free in the 1st dungeon. Mrbl3 is an item that temp-disables random encounters. The healing fountain you find in the 1st castle is a great place to grind for 2-3 levels!
3) AB in battle initiates auto battle. You can cancel by pressing ‘B’. Don’t use it against large groups or strong enemies, especially the Flea and Gloom enemies! In the first hour or two Ryu will largely be attacking with his sword or healing.
4) The P. Bugs in the Castle are weak but will poison you with each hit. You may want to have some Antdts, or just finish the battle & use Mrbl3 & backtrack to the fountain to heal up. Fun fact: They only sometimes poison you in the JP ver.
5) In boss fights, taking the boss’s health down to 0 doesn’t outright defeat them; they’ll have a “second wind” where they’ll get more ferocious, & their remaining HP becomes unknown. Keep at it and they’ll eventually croak!
6) While sneaking into Nanai at night, make sure you enter all the houses you can enter without getting caught; there are a bunch of items in them, & there’s a shop that sells a pricey LongSD (Longsword) for 2250z that'll power you up early on!
7) When Nina & her Soldiers (Sr1 & Sr2) go through the cave next to Winlan/Wyndia, make sure to find the “I. Ore” item before you leave; it’ll be needed to progress in the game later on and you’ll avoid having to backtrack to this cave.
8) Nina’s physical attack is pretty weak, but keep in mind the E. Key you got from Nanai’s dungeon serves as a reusable quake spell that dishes out 30 HP damage to all enemies! Keep it at the top of your item list for easy access.
9) Before approaching the Wizard in Karma Tower as Ryu, hang to the left to find your 1st boomerang! If you have the LongSD, that will still be more powerful against Wizard, but the Rang can hit multiple enemies in one throw!
10) The end of the Forest of Despair can play out 2 ways, depending on whether you keep saying “No” to the Chief or say “Yes”. I personally prefer the “Yes” route because it’s more badass, but the repeated “No” outcome is neat, too!
11) With Bo in lead, you can hunt on the world map & move through forests!
Deer antlers cure poison
Boars/Birds drop Meat which heals the party.
White deer antlers recover AP.
Use Mrbl3 prior to hunting to avoid random encounters!
12) This is an easy part to get stuck on; You NEED to talk to both the Tuntar chief after his rescue AND the Romero girl who tells you about the cleansing water in order to trigger additional dialogue in Romero at night to advance the game.
13) As you move through Agua, you’ll notice some locked doors and weakened walls you can’t get past at the moment. Remember to come back to these when Karn and Ox join your party.
14) For the love of all that is holy, do NOT have Bo equipped with WolfHT during the fight with Gremlin in the Stone Robot, or you’re gonna have a bad time. WolfHT is a weird "cursed" item that results in Gremlin dishing out EXTRA PAIN to Bo.
15) Once the Stone Robot segment of the game is done, you can finally access the Dragon Shrine south of Tuntar and Ryu can finally transform into a Flame Dragon and unleash a Breath of Fire™!
16) In Auria, make sure you buy the Pouch item. By having it in your inventory, you’ll avoid losing your zenny (and even gain some!) after getting robbed in Bleak by the innkeeper.
17) In Bleak, you’ll need to hand over a G. Bar. This can be bought in Auria but costs 65,000z. Luckily, there's lotsa zenny you can amass by looting homes, giving an Auria NPC a Vitamn & doing an Auria sidequest involving the faerie circle.
18) In Krypt, you may want to avoid chests until you get a certain someone that can disarm traps. Also, when you get to the final area, make sure you open each crypt before leaving! I was stuck at this segment for a long time as a kid. ;D
19) With a master of unlocking in your group, now might be a good time to revisit the locked doors you might’ve come across in Agua, Winlan/Wyndia Castle, the basement in Romero, and ESPECIALLY the cave east of Auria (KEEP THAT G. Bar)!
…To be continued?